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People's Testimony of blessing -- touched by the Lord, as the Body in Christ

Please note that at the time of these letters, my last name was Hughes. I was married in 2012 to the most wonderful man Victor Ndyabagye. You can read his testimony below with others testimonies.


Oct 2, 2010

My name is Ndyabagye Victor. I am a Ugandan man. My home town is Mabarara. I got to know of Ministry of Miracles and it's founder, Apostle Cathryn Hughes in December 2009, while I continued my duties working for a US Govermnent Contractor in Baghdad, Iraq.  I badly needed someone to talk to for support and encouragement. I needed someone to give me encourgament to stir my courage and strength to go on. That was a time when I had low self-esteem. Coming to Ministry of Miracles gave me my life back.

I had opened tons and tons of pages online, and finally came across, 'Christian Friend match', a Christian Social Networking Site, where I met Apostle Cathryn Hughes. I had friends on other networking sites, but failed to find someone to talk to. Someone who could stand in my feet, and feel what I was going through.

I read a lot about her accomplishments for the Lord and how she had used the word of God to bring change into many people's lives . She had worked in Africa and her compassion had left indelible marks on thousands of souls won for Christ in Ghana and Nigeria. When one reads through the amazing things happening on Ministry of Miracles on a daily basis in updates, they get an insight into how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is touching and changing many people's lives. Many people are being transformed everyday in Africa and Asia. From children riddled with witchcraft, to successful surgeries. From barrenness to being reunited with families after many years.

Apostle Cathryn's teachings on Ministry of Miracles are like a daily devotional. I was so much touched by her ministry. When I wrote to her to her pray for me, she wrote back and said a prayer for me. I was deeply touched. I was transformed inside-out.

Apostle Cathryn encouraged me at a time when I was freaking and felt like quitting my job. For the war in Iraq is tough.  From her own words, I realized that it was no matter what we could go through but what we could overcome. Success comes with sacrifice for sure.

I love Psalm 23:1-6 The Lord is Shepherd. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. 

I was born again in 2005, and that did not mean that I was sure of what I could with my life while deployed down range in Iraq.

Coming across Ministry of Miracles was a stepping stone in my life. I got so much encouraged. I wrote my testimony and and it was posted on Ministry of Miracles website (in the testimonies section).

I was amazed and spiritually thrilled by testimonies of the women and men on that site. The words that I read on this site hit me really hard. My life will never be the same.
As we talked and talked, Cathryn became the most important part of my life.  She became the woman of my dreams. Cathryn means more than the world to me. Our lives belong to the Lord. Praise be to the Living God!! Jesus Christ is the same, Yesterday, today and forever. We were married in April 2012 in Uganda.


Oct 4, 2010

Hello Apostle Cat,
Greetings to you. Good to hear from you and thank you for your prompt response.
What you said to me early this year by way of prophesy is manifesting already. Praise the Lord for your life. I would not rest without bringing this to your notice to show gratefulness onto you, Cat.
In the first quater of 2010, we received a fourty feet humanitarian goods from an organisation in Hong Kong which we distributed accross the country to needy istitutions and persons. Thank God for that, i am so grateful to Him. Again, i have just returned home with my Pastor, Daniel Alfred Ndongboi from Liberia, Monrovia in a three days Pastors and Leadership taining conference and crusade with Apostle Bruce Ladebu of Forerunner Global Ministries in the united states. He is considering working with us in Sierra Leone for the furtherance of kingdom Ministry. For that matter, he has requested us to join with him in Kenya by end of January 2011 for about ten days program. I need your prayers in this direction. Also, for God to take us through this wonderful relationship that we shall be confirmed to the will of the Lord.
I mentioned you to him and he told me that you have been in contact. He was very pleased about it. He is such a wonderful servant of God, full of the spirit and humility.
Cat, after God i can only dedicate this to you. For it happened because of your link through Pastor Alan Adams in the states. Glory be to God, Amen.
May God cotinue to bless you and whatever you may do in this life.
His blessings,
Pastor Peter Alfred


Oct. 4, 2010

Beloved of God
Words can't express the love and appreciation I and my wife have after spending time with women and many of God in NZ. You were an upper hand of God for us. Every concern and contribution you gave in, enabled us to have our mission a success.
I believe in togetherness for it is a motto of God. Every single word you mention in prayer on our behalf, did not give the enemy room to hoover around. May you please stay focused as he will obviuosly answer all your delayed prayers. You left a mark in our heart.
We are now safe back with a great testimony to all under the really fire of the Holy spirit
Blessings to you
Will share much later
Augustine and Rosette


Beloved Sister in the Lord
Rev. Cathryn Hughes;

Greetings from India in Jesus' precious name.!

At the onset, I just desire to thank our Lord Jesus for a noble servant of God
like you who volunteered to refer me to Rev. Kortu K Brown in Monrovia as I
was ministering there. Thanks to you, my beloved sister, I had met Rev. Brown
and his dear wife, sister Mariamma. Had a nice time with them for long ending
with a fabulous lunch hosted by them to me in their house.They are truly such a
loving couple, indeed!

Thanks to the humble man of God Rev. James Mategwa of Kakamega (Kenya)
for being an instrument of knowing you. I love him so much!

Thank you sister,the convention and the crusades at Monrovia did go well. God
really took care of the whole thing and did wonders. The Holy Spirit was just on
the move to shake the ground every night. The teachings in the conference brought
about new trend in the lives of the people attended the same all the four days. The
theme was : " IS THERE A HOPE..?" ( Ezekiel 37:1-14).

Please be in touch sister as the Lord leads. In these last days, we, as the servants
of God must join together, thrust in our sickles, to reap the harvest and build the
Kingdom of God ( Rev. 14:15b & Neh 2:20). That is our MISSION as we, at our young
ministry are envisioned to win souls, souls and souls around nations. THE WHOLE

PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT : and also you may kindly
pray over the work of the Lord. We are on the job of updating  the site after dec'07.

Let us be endued with the POWER from on high as we tarry in His presence for the
GREAT MANDATE OF THE MACEDONIAN CALL that is upon each one called out in His

With Love of Calvary
Waiting for your prayerful reply soon

Your servant in Christ Jesus



Hi Lady Cathryn,
I awoke several times last night. HE speaks at times like these.I believe with my whole heart what came to me. You may have done more for the whole country of Africa with this letter than all of what you have done in the past. Remember now, you have been in your destiny walk, as you are now. His ways wind up being much better than ours.
     This what you have put before their very eyes could very well shake the whole of this nation. It may very well cause the people to take a good look at themselves, as we all do, that we may ask ourselves, "Who and what am I, after all"?
     Father had one of his prophets marry a prostitute. Father will NOT have a Bride that goes a whoring after strange flesh, not one with spot or wrinkle. For the spot He will usea spot remover. For a wrinkle He must use a hot iron. He says that their must first be a falling away, and a great separation, and too He will send a strong delusion.
God gave me a message today for you...Now, for you! He wrote--Imagination is literally image a nation. God wants you, the reader, to  imagine with your imagination how he wants to touch anation, or nations through YOU!!!!!! This IS what you have been doing!!!!!!!!
In His Majesty's service,
Ron of Ron & Patsy
Oregon, USA

Dear Rev.Cathryn,
Thank you so much for taking the time praying for us and the Ministry in your Love
programme the way you do.

Rev. God blessed you with gifts and talents to do things that correct and exhorts people in a way <BR>that we have never seen in any other person. We've learned something in you, thus, joy, love, faithfulness, patience, fear of God, righteousness and integrity to name a few. We thank you from the bottom of our heart for being such a blessing to us and Ministry. We believe that one day and one time, we shall meet face to face and share together views and issues pertaining God's work.
We thank God for a ministry like your's that is so fruitful and pleasant to many.
May God bless you always!
Bishop Eliud Juma Walmalwa
Bungoma, Kenya



Dear Woman of greatness,
Peace and Joy be multiplied to you in an increasing manner. Greetings from your friend in Africa. There is an old song 'what a friend we have in heaven [Jesus]' a friend who can stick closer than a brother. What a friend i have in the U.S.A. Who can take her time to encourage me and my brothers all over the world, who has trusted me although she doesn't know me. But i know why, because she is led by the spirit of the greatest person in my life Jesus christ.
Let me share with you a small thing i have seen in your life which has made me call you a great woman. God took me to Mathew, the birth of Jesus. Mary was a normal Jewish woman but God put in her something greater than her and the whole world. When the time of birth came, she wanted to deliver like other Jewish women. It wasn't possible because the father in heaven was supposed to visit his son after birth. The heavenly hosts could not fit in the inn mary was looking for. It was in God's plan for the rooms to be full so that mary and Joseph could find another place where God can fit or rather come. God will never come in small dreams. Angels have wings, they couldn't fit in a small room. What you have great woman of God, is so great that you cant handle it alone. In fact your destiny is greatness and honor. I don't have language to explain it. This is why i am in great anticipation to see you, so that i can talk to you about your ministry in Africa. I wish to kindly request you to make plans of coming to Kenya soon and you are welcome in Kenya [karibu kenya hakuna matata] welcome to kenya no problem we love you great woman of God. When you come among other things, i will introduce you to my 8 brother pastors and my dear mum.
The prophecy you have sent me is absolutely true and reliable. It is what i am eager to share at length with you when i meet you. I am dead sure that God is doing something new and great no body, nothing can stop it. This is what God's spirit has been singing in my spirit, over the years, i have been doubting, but now i am perfectly convinced that it is true and it is coming to pass very soon than expected. You know what: God is coming to you sooner than
you have expected amen.
Your friend in the lord
Narobi, Kenya

Saved From Suicide:
By Joseph Mwanzia from Kenya

I am Joseph N. Mwanzia, aged 28 since last Christmas day 2006…
My great thanks to my God and in the name of his son Jesus Christ,who touched my life from a real angel, when He sent Rev. Cathryn
Hughes to my life some 10 years ago.

If it weren’t for God's will, and Rev. Cathryn’s encouragement, therewould be no me today!

Back in 2002, I did attempted commit suicide, because of lot agony after loosing my mother to AIDS and our father left us because of her 
sickness. I was bit young then, and eldest in a family of 3 boys. Having no job, no college training--I saw big doom ahead. So, I had decided to relieve all this agony by taking my life.

God appeared to me in a miraculous way! He sent Rev. Cathryn, justin time, who talked to me lengthy and helped me to trust in God.

Presently, I have just been appointed the position of Elder in my local Church in Kenya. Praise God!May God continue using you Rev. Cathryn for his glory and be unto you 
according to his word just as Mary did.

Joseph Mwanzia
Kenya, E. Africa


Dear Rev, and Missionary Cathryn H,

Iam very excited for the work you have done for me for designing the web site which looking very nice to the whole world.

In 2 Kings 6: 17- 18 Then Elisha prayed, Lord, I pray you, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and he saw,……… Amplified Bible. Elisha had a vision of divine HELP when his servant could not see anything but the enemy coming against them. 
Dear Rev, Cathryn your prayers have changed my ministry, and the conflicts in D.R.Congo and I am very exultation about you, for the work you have done for introducing me to the world and to put me in your heart.

Again I want to thank you and your ministry to welcoming me in your home especially in your heart where the Most Higher God or Jehovah Jireh dwelling, your call is Remarkable from God.

God bless you, family and ministry 
Jehu Paul Muwongo 
Uganda (working in the Congo)


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

From Rev. Cathryn: This was sent to me in 2003 from a well known journalist of Liberia who had fled his country in the 1990s, (living many years with thousands other refugees in this camp in Ghana). He fled and go to Ghana to live at Buduburam camp. During 1999-2004, I was counseling the refugees on this camp with the assistance of organization and NGO executives, who were my ambassadors to Ministry of Miracles. They would checked each person for me. I advised many refugees with some of the problems they were facing. Many lost track of their families who lived in the USA. I tried to reach many of their families by phone here in the USA, to convey messages that each refugee sent to me from Ghana, so the refugees could connect again with their families. Here is what the Journalist wrote to me...


Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003


Subject: Re: Attention Rev. Hughes/ Lance Helms
Hello Rev. Hughes,
I was very much excited to receive your communication and the reference by
Mr. Lance Helms of Tucker. If Liberians have never been grateful, they should
now be thanking the God of Heaven for your interest in their welfare. I have
prayed many nights for God to continue to bless you so that you will continue to
keep up with the good work. It is true but sad that many Liberians I have
contacted, hardly show the level of interest that we should and I am ever grateful
when someone like Mr. Helms come along and demonstrates the interest to help
out. I am excited about the American ideal of reaching out to offer an
assistance, when the entire world sits and moan and argue. It's unfortunate that the
current US commitments around the globe have made it difficult for the
government to make a military commitment to "dying Liberia" a nation that is being torn apart and its citizens being decimated by their own sons under the
instructions of those with interest in the country's political future.
Sometimes I wonder what will take Liberians to understand that no one commits
suicide and expects a neighbor to rescue him. It's sad, Rev. Hughes. Butagain thank you. Thank you.
On your recent communications let me inform you that I have my daughter andother family members presently at the Buduburam Camp. I will contact Mr. Helmsand whatever we can afford to do we will inform you, since for me, you havebecome a beacon of hope for my people and an example worth emulating as an
individual.The Scriptures have the answers to the ever-widening crime and confusion in
this world if only our leaders in Liberia will give them some thoughts. Andhere, I must confess that it is a troubling if,  for Liberians and the rest ofthe world to take cognizance of the importance of human freedom.
Individuals like Helm and yourself, and countless others, deserve recognition
when the history of Liberia and much of the toubled would come to berewritten. I now realize that the human spirit of good can and will triumph over theevil that is being spilled in much of the world. From what I have observed ofyou, my dear Rev. Hughes, is for my troubled people to be able to have afeeling ofwonderness and appreciate their own humanity and their contributionstowards building a humane world of hope and comfort.
Sometimes I wonder if there is some kind of judgment on most of the troubled
spots in the world.
But as I have observed from your writings, the world of troubled mankind must take consolation in the blood of Christ. We know that in the end good willtriumph over evil.
Thanks again.
Omari Jackson
Buduburam Liberia Settlement Camp, Ghana


James Fridah and Maurine Mategwa from Kakamega, Kenya


Mammy I thank God for what he is doing through you to bless the Africans. my prayer is that God to keep you strong and add you more years on earth in order to help those who are still young in schools and are about to join christian ministries.
may the lord bless you when you come in and when you go out.
we are praying for you.
pastors James, Fridah and Maurine.


I glad to write about your Ministry here in Nigeria. You have a Healing Ministry and Prophetic Flavour.
Your visit to our Church,  two years ago was a Blessing to our Members. One of my Members testified that you really touched the burden 
of her soul. By the time you Prayed, something went out of her body and to my self too. Your Life ministered to me on the area of 
Commitment in the ministry that is the reason why we will not forget you to continue having you around us even your ministry here in Nigeria.
God Bless You,
Rev. Peter Akujuobi 
Reinhard Bonnke's Representative in:
Abia State, Nigeria


Dear Rev. Cathryn, & all Ministers of the 
Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
I have a great pleasure, to bring to your attention, hereby, how Missionary For Jesus founded by Rev. Cathryn Hughes, has 
impacted my life:
I got connected to this Ministry through Website, 
as member of Christian Community website, , during the year 2004.
Since then, I was amazingly & tremendously blessed by this Ministry, 
at various levels: 
1) Spiritually, through Rev. Cathryn Teachings, and  of other great Men of God Teachings, I have got a high level of knowledge of the 
Word of God, but not only knowledge, but the results, that is wisdom, more  love for God, and fear of God, and so on, all things that 
brought me, to a high consciousness & commitment to God Service, the Ministry. It would take more time to go deeper, but the truth is that I am really blessed spiritually through this Ministry.
2) In the plan of Connections with other, that is on the matter of Relationship: Through this way of online fellowship, I have since, 
got connected to a huge Community of Relationship, worldwide, praying together, & bringing help , on individual connections 
basis, with many individuals and Ministries. I got more & more opportunities to pray for the needs of others, and for others to pray for my personal needs, and really God is moving through this Ministry, even online, at a Very long distance,  To illustrate that, I was passing through a big Challenge of Money 
& debts during the year 2004 up  to 2006 . Then , I  shared  the matter to the Prayer Group of Ministry of Miracles, and The Ministers 
prayed  with me, & God had provided to the financial needs required, for me to pay the debts Due to the money lost.
3) Access to Resources:
This Ministry gave me since, opportunity to get  so many database information, on which I am still working on, to get Material & Financial Resources of Funding For  my Organization(NGO), as Ministry.
4) Other benefits  since I became a Member of This Ministry of Miracles:
5) I have been also blessed, by the site built for me by Rev. Cathryn.
*Since January 2005, I was appointed as Ambassador of Ministry of Miracles, for my Country, Burkina Faso.At the same time, God gave me favour to get licensed by Pastor Dr. 
Jerry Brooking, of Word of Life Outreach International, and I got favoured to be invited to the US.
*Also, I am since, in Partnership with some Ministries such as Action Child Mobilization /Ghana, with Pastor Francis Opoku.
*And, lastly, I am highly privileged to be appointed by Rev .Cathryn  as Moderator of Yahoo Group, and as Prayers Coordinator of Minsters For Jesus Prayer Group (Which is owned by Ministry of Miracles).
I  am so blessed by the Ministry of Rev. Cathryn, beyond measure.To cut it short, Rev Cathryn & Her Ministry have been a great source of blessings to me & to my Ministry/NGO.
My Prayer is that The Lord who has started and appointed Rev. Cathryn to fulfil the Plan of God in her Life through this Ministry, continue 
to lift her & her Ministry, for the glory of God. 
My heart is full of APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE TO THE LORD and towards you
for everything you have done for me since we met 12 years ago through our Network Ministers For Jesus and in general, your whole Ministry.
I tell you, since then I am so blessed through your Teachings, Ministrations, Helps, Connections, and various Ressources, I can't list here!Indeed I am very grateful !
Today, by the Grace of God, I got the opportunity to visit Ministers For Jesus Sites. 
And I saw what you did for Me : 
A member and wonderful friend in Ministers For Jesus Prayer Group So, I thank you very much , I am so grateful. May the Lord blessed you and reward you beyond your expectation.

I give God all the glory, 

Y.Alain  Daniel Ouédraogo 
Pastor Y.Alai Daniel O. 
Burkina Faso, West Africa


Dearly beloved Rev Cathryn,
Once again we just feel like thanking you for your good will to so many of us. You surely have a good heart and we appreciate your Christian life. Your simplicity and sincerity is worth emulating. We also appreciate your stand on the things of God
Beloved friend, keep up serving the Lord and He will never leave you uncared for. He is a 
specialist in turning around ALL things in our favour.
We love you
Ruth & Emmanuel Falodun
Lagos Nigeria
Power For Exploit



Rev Cathryn Hughes,
You also bless our hearts so much. Yes, God is faithful. I remember when He first called me and begun to show me what great things He was going to do in and with this Ministry. I was afraid as I thought I was not that wise,intelligent and strong enough to carry the vision.
The Lord spoke to me and said; "Son, I have many people around the globe to come along with you to fulfill this vision". Knowing God is faithful, I gathered faith and moved. Now, I can see this word being fulfilled. And you, Rev. Hughes, have played a central role in creating the website for free.
There are many who have reached us through the website. Others do not need us explain what we do. They just read and are okay and commit themselves to prays and to support in diverse ways. God has used your knowledge and gift in site building to spread the news about our work.
As the Lord blesses us here in this Ministry, we are glad you have great joy to hear the news. It is our prayer that you will be able to bless many more Ministries.
Again, thanks and God bless you.
We love you.

Bolgatanga, Ghana, West Africa



Dear Rev. Cathryn Hughes,
Its of great joy I send our heart greetings to you from Living Hope Organization, Nigeria and the our Ministry Faith Chapel Int'l. Umuahia Abia State Nigeria.
I met Rev. Cathryn in a cyber cafe in Abia State in 2004.

You made the dying once to have life through your ministry. Your coming here was a joyful one to us all at Living Hope Organization, Nigeria. We Pray for God to give you more
prophetic powers to work on His field.
Jude C Munaonye
Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
(Helping Africa fight HIV/AIDS!)



Dear Rev. Cathryn,
It gives me great joy to express my sincere gladness to you, for all your encouragement, care and love so generously demonstrated to my family and ministry, especially last time you visited us here in Nigeria. It is indeed a great joy and privilege to have encountered you in life
and ministry.
Your care for the suffering and poor people of Africa and Asia goes along way to show that you are God,s gift to this generation.
The websites you built for us free of charge has been a constant source of blessing.
Your cheerful personality, your counselling and prayer in our time of need has been of immeasurable value. I therefore, pray that God will richly bless you and add more grace and success to your life and ministry
in Jesus name.
Yours in ministry,
Rev.Dr.Cyril Okpara,
[Rector, Wisdom int,l Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria]

My Daughter Cathryn Gospel Okpara is named after Rev.Cathryn Hughes


Dear Rev.Cathryn Hughes,
On behalf of Rafiki Caring Home Staff, and children, I thank Rev.Cathryn Hughes, who has helped the children of our homes both directly, and indirectly, by designing our website for the home, which enabled friends to contact
and help the children who desperately need our help. Rev.Cathryn and Ministry Of Miracles is of a great help to the children of Rafiki Caring Home. We praise God for her service, and the her work, as God gave her the talent and
the will-- to help Children our children have a better life now than before. This is simply because of the friends who have seen and supported the work of the children.
Thank you for all your help.

May God Bless you.

Yours Sincerely
Mark Omare
Chief Executive
Rafiki Caring Home


Dearly beloved Rev Cathryn,
Once again we just feel like thanking you for your good will to so many of us. You surely have a good heart and we appreciate your Christian life. Your simplicity and sincerity is worth emulating. We also appreciate your stand on the things of God
Beloved friend, keep up serving the Lord and He will never leave you uncared for. He is a
specialist in turning around ALL things in our favour.
We love you
Ruth & Emmanuel Falodun
Lagos Nigeria
Power For Exploit


Praise God my sis. 

Praise God my loving dear sister Rev. Cathryn,
Thank God for having brought you to my life.  Since I met I have never remained the same, my life has changed, because there is somebody who can lift me up in prayer when I am broken down.  Thanks for being somebody who encourages.
I can see everything you used to tell me come to pass. The God we worship is true God for He is faithful. I want to thank you for all your prayers and the work you are doing in the Lord.  Send my greetings to all and keep up that spirit of keeping people
at heart.

Mary Asio
Kampala Uganda

NOTE: Mary Asio was Cathryn's prayer partner and is now passed into heaven. She died while giving birth to her fourth child.



You are the one God is really using. I can not wait till we get to heaven and your account is pulled up. You will see time and time again where your encouragement has made the difference in someone's life and in the advancement of the KINGDOM OF GOD.  :)

You are special.  :)

On January 26th on my 50th Birthday I received this letter.

Rev Hughes,

We give God praise for your life.You are a blessing tomany people than you know.
-You are indeed a shining light in our dark world
-A ray of hope to Africa ministries
-A sweetning salt to many experiencing bitterness
-A lifter of the banner of Christ

Mark Kaphaem



Hello, sis. Cathryn

Wish you a merry Christmas and best new coming year!!!
Thank you for being a good friend and sister in Christ. Your sharings and earnest service enrich my spirit and help me to connect with the Lord better. I love your sence of humor and spiritual sensitivity.
Some people say God loves humor and I sometimes see part of itthrough you. You seem to have delightful spirit and strong dedication 
to the Lord... I am grateful to know you and happy being your friend..

May God bless you and may the Lord be glorified in and through who you are 
and what you are doing.. May His will be done through your willingness and 




Greetings dear woman and mother in Christ,


After reading your mail my heart really was touched. God told Abraham to name no longer his wife sarai but SARAH that is she would be the mother of many nations. and most of the time people have forgotten that both men and women are equal because in the Kingdom of God there is neither male or female but all are sons of God.

Deborah in the bible jugded the nation of Israel and also helped Barak to win a battle infact Barak asked her to go with her in battle and you know what you are my mother. Your word really encouraged me and i have felt the love of Christ in all you told me. I assure you that you are beginning mentoring a son that has been wounded so many, times please pray for me. It was as God speaking to me. Thank you for having your friends and church to pray for us and raise us up in your prayers. We have been like in a desert. I know God is there and still, we all need each other for the purposes of spiritual growth.

If Paul needed Barnabas, if Timothy needed Paul, if Elisha needed Elijah and of course Joshua needed Moses.  That's why we need each other for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God.

It will be hyprocritical to say i do not need anybody we all need each other and no one came up on his own. All learned and were mentored by someone or imitated someone. That's why i need you, because truly you are a mother!


The truth is this mother, that I remember as I shared with you about what was taking place in our church and you prayed for us the MIRACLE is, and we have never been asked about rent ever since, and infact the owner of the building wants us to pray in the building, and has never charged us. He always asks if possible we continue church, that's has been God and through your earnest prayers. I ask you also to pray that God to continue to heal my wounds, because thery had developed, and I believe God is faithful. Pray also about the library. 


Yours faithfully son

Pastor Joel Masawi (Timothy)


Thanks ever so much Cathryn ! 

I cried out into the darkness and received no reply ---
Reaching out at straws...
I turned to one who walks in the Light....
& came across someone ~
Who led me out of darkness
& provided the enlightenment I sought !!!
Went out of her way...
to point out links that helped me ....
Praise God! Thank God!
For the gift of friendship of God's Minister....
Rev. Cathryn Hughes....
Hugs & GBU! MJ



Dear Apostle
Just to thank you for this wonderful network joining brotheres and sisters around the world may the Lord God of Israel be with you in everything!
pastor Philippe from Burundi


Pst Samuel, M, Opingo from Kenya


Wonderful glad that the lord made possible for me to know you .I will be glad to work with you too .Blessings
Pst Samuel



Hi Rev Cathryn,
Your words are powerful and seasonal, African need some orientation in there service to God and your news letter can help a great deal. thanks for the encouragement,God bless you.We love you and are praying for you.The Adogos are fine.
Eager to read you.
Evang. Evans
Benue State, Nigeria


Hello! Cathryn
I just to thank God, for your prayers that you are offering to me ministry for my ministry. I believe that through your prayers, God will do great things. I just want to inform you 
that at this time we have prayers in my house everyday night we are praying for you. I see

this program is helping my ministry. We are praying for your coming and your good work 
that you are doing and I believe God will do everything for you . I tell you out from bottom

of my heart you are blessing and encouraging in my ministry and in my family. Continue 
doing that good work that the lord has began. We are here continuing praying for all your programs.
May God bless richly bless you 
Pastor Nazareth Mfune  


Dear Rev.Cathryn Hughes,
On behalf of Rafiki Caring Home Staff, and children,I thank Rev.Cathryn Hughes, who

has helped the childrenof our homes both directly, and indirectly, by designing our

website for the home, which enabled

friends to contact and help the children who desperately need our help.
Rev.Cathryn and Ministry Of Miracles is of a great help to the children of Rafiki Caring Home. We praise God for her service, and the her work, as God gave her the talent and 
the will-- to help Children our children have a better life now than before. This is simply because of the friendswho have seen and supported the work of the children.
Thank you for all your help.

May God Bless you.
Yours Sincerely
Mark Omare
Chief Executive 
Rafiki Caring Home



Dear Rev. Cathryn,
The fountain of life well, continue to well out from your belly to always bless lives as it has done, not only in Nigeria, Africa, and the world over. God bless you for making yourself available to be used of Him.
Your ministry has touched my life positively, God has used and is still using it to fulfill some of His promises to me in life-most especially in my musical career.
God has you, Rev.Cathryn Hughes to touch my life and that of fellow medical students of

Ebonyi State University Abakaliki during your
visits to Ebonyi state Government House and the school fellowships.
The students were highly blessed not only by your soul-enriching messages, but by the

duet you sang with one the students garnished
with her anointed golden voice.
The students are looking forward to having you again, in Nigeria.Thanks and God bless.
Rev. Dr. Michael Ogbodo
Ministry of Miracles
Music Outreach Director
Ebonyi State, Nigeria


Hi Rev Cathryn,
Your words are powerful and seasonal, African need some orientation in there service to God and your news letter can help a great deal. thanks for the encouragement,God bless you.We love you and are praying for you.

The Adogos are fine.
Eager to read you.
Evang. Evans
Benue State, Nigeria

for your prayers that you are offering to me for my ministry. I believe that through your

prayers, God will do great things. I just

want to inform you that at this time we have prayers in my house everyday night we are praying for you. Isee this program is helping my ministry.

We are praying for your coming and your

good work that you are doing and I believe

God will do everything for you. I tell you out from bottom of my heart you are blessing
and encouraging in my ministry and in my family.


Continue doing that good work that the lord has began. We are here continuing praying for all your programs.
May God bless richly bless you
Pastor Nazareth Mfune 


Dear Mama Rev. Cathryn:
I thank God for placing you in my life as a friend. You are a special and unique person with a sense of inspiration. I am proud to be associated with you. You are such a blessing,

a reward, a God given gift in my life. I just

want to pray that God grants every desire
of your heart and bless the work of your hands. You are special, you deserve the best, and I want to add my testimony: MY TESTIMONY


Mum, I met you at a time when many things were happening in my life. I had just lost two family members in separate cases of fatal road accidents.

It so happened that I was the main person on the ground to deal with all logistics involved; transporting corpses to the mortuary,

informing close members of the family, beside funeral arrangements. This was the most
trying moment in my life. As a result, I got depressed, a situation thatcaused serious

nose bleeding disorders. This went on

and on every morning whenever I showered.

When I visited the hospital, doctors
immediately cited depression as the main

cause of the bleeding. Ear washing was done using a pressure machine. This service almost made me deaf. I can remember that immediately you introduced me to Ministers
For Jesus Prayer Group, you started giving me close attention; encouraging me and praying for me. I felt a sense of belonging and motherly love from you. It is at this point in my life that I got strengthened in faith, knowledge,
wisdom and understanding. I am now over the grief and sorrow, my ears got completely healed and are much in order than before by the stripes of Jesus. After I got encouraged, I declared war over the enemy because we
later came to learn that the deaths might have been caused by mediums and Jujus by some village men who envied the family. I have since then organized a series of Evangelical Crusades both in the family compound
and at the village market (100 metres away from home). The crusades were to bring repentance and healing in the village bound

by idolatry, mediums, Jujus, incest, drunkenness, witchcraft, blasphemy, adultery
and sexual immorality. Following the crusades, many villagers gave their lives to Jesus immediately drawing us to the need for a Bible believing church. By the grace of God, we established a Sanctuary right in a building
at the market initially used to house a Chief’s offices (a Chief here is the<br>head of a location, villages are combined to form a location). The building had been used in the past also to store ‘kangara’-an ingredient for making local illicit brew. The church is strong and well established after 3 months since it was inaugurated. I give God all the glory and honor for these miracles and especially for placing Rev. Cathryn Hughes upon my life. Mum, the divine meeting was timely. I can not wait to testify again on your visit to the local church in my home village to let the villagers understand
how God used His servant from a far country to bring restoration to such a village. I know this gonna be awesome to edify the body of Christ,
Amen! God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

Please let all the members of the Prayer Group commit my family in prayer for divine protection against such brutality by the evil one. Pray
also for a similar Evangelical Crusade scheduled to take place in August this year in the same village-for those who would like to visit
Kenya and minister with us please let me know in good time so we can include you in the program and inform of the specific dates, thank
you all for your prayers over the past crusades and God bless you and keep you! I am praying for you too!

(Kudos) Joseph Zachary Iyadi
P. O Box 43844 GPO 00100


Dearest sister Rev,Cathryn,
Our fervent prayers and supplication go forth before the very Throne of Grace for you in all our regular meetings. We have seriously remembered you and your beloved family.
I pray you sister and the family are well and strong in the faith. I send my greetings to you from my wife Florence, the orphans and the saints of the most High God.
I was thankful for your letter update of what the Lord is doing and ministry changes that are in place, thank you for thinking of us.
Our spirit rejoices in our Saviour... For LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE! AND WHAT IS BOUT TO DO! Great and mighty is the strength of His arm!
(read Luke 1:28-55)
Please find here my website you requested:
Continue praying for us and the missions ahead of us especially the burden of taking care of the neglected, destitute, orphans and widows and the ministry as well. Sister,we love you and looking forward to see you some day in Africa. We trust that God will open a door one.
look forward to hearing from you.
Brother Vincent , Bungoma Kenya


Our respected sister Rev Cathryn Hughes in the Lord,Greetings from Gideon Gospel Ministries, India! We want to thank you for your continues prayers and support for the ministry. Your prayers are making miracles in the people lives.

God sent us a big Rice distribution in our camp in Madaka village.
This village is heavily flooded. 5 water buffaloes, 4 goats and 10 chickens,
5 aged people and 3 children were died. We distributed Rice packets,Bibles and used cloths to these people who are suffering and crying for food.All of the people sending their thanks for your loving heart upon them.
After the rice distribution, we saw there were some other people came from
the same villages asking "What about for us?" I told them, ask God - notme, God will answer your prayer. As our financial resources are very few, wecould not able to satisfy all the village people through providing Rice packets and Bibles distribution.

We also bought 3 new Bicycles and distributed to my co-pastors, theyare very happy receiving new Bicycles and sending their thanks to you foryour great love upon them. This is the good instrument for improving the Gospel work.

We are all so thankful to your loving heart, for praying with the Ministers For Jesus for us and God perfomed miracles in our lives. HE ANSWERED so we could help the ones suffering in this flood here in India. My blessed sister Rev. Cathryn Hughes in the Lord, I am so thankful to your loving heart upon us and upon our ministry. Your e-mail is a great encouragement. We are everyday praying God for you, for your ministry and for asking God to pour His financial blessings upon you. God

want the people like you to win the perusing souls for Christ. We are also having much burden for the perusing souls for Christ.

We are going to the idol worshiping people

and preaching about the real God Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes we are facing persecution but we don’t afraid because God is with us. Your prayers are with us and His protection is upon us.  My sister, I am so happy to read “I hope to visit there some day” we will pray

God to send you to our home to see what

He is doing through our ministry. All our

orphan children, pastors and the aged

widows are praying and sending their

love to you. Please continue to pray

for us and pray for our ministry in India .

God bless you!

Thanking you!

Yours brother in the Lord,
Evangelist Gideon Yathirajam
Lakshmanarao Purum
Machilipatnam - 521 002
S. India.


Bwana apewe sifa am blessed to talk to you pastor. You have been a blessing to our

nation and many nations of the world. Thanks for your powerful teachings about family may the lord bless you . Also am doing well in the ministry please pray for me i want to

penetrate in refugee camps and be giving

them 1000 copies every month absolutely

free. This month I am sending some copies

to kakuma refugees camp. So pray for my financial breakthrough. My church also

salutes you, you have been a blessing to

them through your teachings

God bless you amen.
Editor of Revelation Power Magazine
Pastor Steve Alex


Hi Sister Cathryn, 
Thanks a million for your wonderful easter messages, I received the ecard and am thankful for it. It's been quite a while, you 
are always on my mind.I now live in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. I was posted by my 
company to head the eastern region. The job is quite challenging 
but his strength is sufficient. Please always uphold me in your 
prayers, you've always been of a tremendous spiritual support 
to me, and am grateful for all. 
I was able to work on my second album last year, during the last 
quarter, I am working on the video presently so that we can have 
it on a VCD as well. Please pray for me 
so that the plan will become a reality.
Are you still in Nigeria? I would like to

meet with you one of these days.
Thank you so much for your love, care and prayers. I appreciate 
and calebrate you and your ministry.
I love you so much, God bless you

Anietie Udoh 


Dearest Rev.Cathryn

It was indeed my pleasure to read from you

and we are praying for you and believing with you for mighty things to happen this year. You are in our prayers and we will never cease to pray for you and your ministry and the entire family.

As you GO FORTH IN 2016, let the Holy Spirit be your guide like never before.  Stay close to the Holy Spirit and see the awesome hand of Godmove on your behalf-bringing you into right alignment with the right people, at the right place, at the right time. I know one day God will open for you  to

come to Africa and minister with us in a

women conference and also in a crusade service.

Walk in your authority as a lender and not a borrower and as a Priest and a King.  Be determined to make a difference in the lives of those that are in your spear of influence; and go forth in the power and strength of your God-given authority. I think God Thanks once again for His wonderful words that He spoke to me about you and your ministry there. He is coming soon and you are among that are called and chosen to be with Him forever! Amen!!!.

Expect God to pour out his Blessings, Favor, Grace and Power LIKENEVER BEFORE. .

As you journey through this year, it is important to be very sensitive to the move of the Holy Spirit.  It's time to possess the land.  Fear is not an option; lack of finances is not an option; nor is a struggling economy a deterrent for God's chosen. It is a stepping stone to the place where God wants to take you and He has already prepared the way. You are really a blessing to us and to this ministry for the support and good seed you have been sowing to this ministry; I pray all of richest blessings be you’re in ever increasing measure!. 

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sewer and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my month, it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which l purpose, and succeed in the things for which l sent it” Isaiah 55:10-11

Yours looking for Christ to come,

With much love and respect

Pastor Harrison Okello.


Anne G. W. Heilig

Hi, Cathryn,
I enjoy seeing your videos and pictures. Your ministry is very much needed in this world. God bless you richly in all your endeavors for Him.
In Christian Love,
Anne G. W. Heilig


Isaac Namisi from Uganda

The purpose of God in creating you vital,

He is using you dear Rev to restore the lost souls.
May Good Lord bless you ever 

Thanks for the wonderful work of God you do
truelly you have blessed my heart.AMEN


Abigail Taylor From The Kits and Nevis


Dear beloved and precious friend. What a beautiful site, which is informative and interesting! Thanks for being my friend. What do I do to be a member of this site dear? I do not see the "add as friend" write-up. Thanks a lot. God bless. Will write again. Love and hugs. Abi.


Pastpr.O.Ratna Kumar


Dear precious sister,
I greet you in the mosty highly exalted name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am very happy and thankful to know that you are creating a new net work and that you have offered me to join in it. I sincerely pray to God that He may bless all your efforts and make them frutiful for the extension of His Kingdom. Amen!
Sincerely your brother in Christ,
Ratna. from  India


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